23 yo extroverted, cheerful young woman . Jessica lives in the greater Charlotte area and currently works as an ophthalmic assistant in a large Ophthalmology practice. She plans to pursue a degree in Orthoptics which will enable her to work with  children with eye muscle disorders. She is half Danish and visits her family in Denmark often.

Jessica enjoys the peace and relaxation of Shabbat and being part of a vibrant Jewish community. In her spare time, she enjoys playing board games with friends, reading sci-fiction/fantasy novels and is always up for new things. If you are a nice, Jewish young man, you can reach Jessica at: [email protected]


Attractive, upbeat, youthful 66 yo single Jewish female.. Retired M.D. who is  enjoying a second career as a journalist. Warm, easygoing and humorous, she enjoys entertaining, especially Shabbat dinners and Jewish holidays. Seeking nice Jewish man to share the second half of life. Susan  lives in the greater Charlotte, NC area and is open to living between Montreal in the warmer months and Charlotte in the winter. Happy to exchange photos, chat via video, etc. Write to: [email protected].