About US

At Restore Massage Therapy we strive to give the client the best results for their specific needs.

Most people are dealing with some kind of postural stress caused by prolonged periods of sitting. More often than not that stress tends to manifest in the shoulders and neck. Also as pain or weakness in the lower back and gluteals.

Massage helps reverse the negative effects of prolonged sitting. Massage helps to eliminate toxins from the body as well as stimulating the lymphatic system it can aid in the body in recovering faster from a training routine. Increases flexibility and range of motion wish reduces the severity of injuries.


“He’s a real pro” 

“Get rid of all those dull and not so dull aches and pains at the hands Anthony. Massage therapy at its best!”


8305 Cote De Liesse
Saint-Laurent, QC, H4T 1G5




[email protected]